
Saturday 30 January 2016

what world countries to do

On the motivation of making Peace to exist on Earth what world countries to do

No country to be allowed to take war against any country on its own decision without the permission of United Nations Organisations.

United Nations Organisations to be empowered to conclude to punish a country on war.

United Nations Organisations to concentrate on all countries for its welfare and peaceful life in that country.

United Nations Organisations to behave like a mother who take care of her children like punishing and feeding as much as the child need to realise its mistake.

War materials strength to be decreased.

Threatening with atomic weapons, the other countries will not work a long time,  one day it will have to be used to threaten or subdue.

This may bring a world war once again.

Do Mankind live intellectual,  it will be proved in forth coming centuries how they realize their mistakes and change their attitude or like to be brutal.

Saturday 23 January 2016

Can the World lead to Peace

World wide countries interested on producing highly disastrous weapons and bringing
dangerous atomic weapons.

World countries are interested on producing dangeroous weapons and earning by selling weapons.

How can the world lead to Peace.

No country ready to disarm the weapons and prepare to reduce their weapon strength
But are competitively strengthen their weapons.

It may lead to one more World War.

Can the Human Kind say living intellectually.

Friday 15 January 2016


UNO to be empowered to concentrate on all countries like a mother take care of her children.

UNO to be empowered to take action against any country that disobeying the world.

No other counry to be allowed to take action against any country without the permission of UNO.

This is to keep the world to be peaceful and live without the fear of one more world war on Earth.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

What need for world peace

Human kind for thousands of years want a peaceful living on Earth, for which though Mankind be intellectual to find the right way they are not ready to go through the right path they find.

The problem between two arise only when the one try to dominate and overtake the others interest and behave untrue with the competitor.

If seen the problem in 100% True attitude, the one try to be untrue realize his mistake and change his attitude and the problem get solved within seconds.

Same thing occur in between countries and within the different creed of people, and in different societies. The only reason for the problem kept unsolved is disobeying the 100% True attitude in heart.

Though for the past 15 years I have emphasized about 100% Truth to the United Nations Organisations to be forced to countries and to the Human kind in letters which can be seen in my website:

Those who are interested on bringing peace on Earth and who read my views please give your views and reply.

A good such motivation and  views will bring peace on Earth one day