
Friday 30 June 2017


                                                                                                   20th May 2002.

Chinnakanmai St.,
Madurai-625 002.


The Chief Minister,
Govt.of Tamilnadu,

Respected Madam,

                              Sub:   Improvement of under ground Water resource.

                  As the people of Tamilnadu elected you, in a decisive voting, my wishes to cross the five years Successfully with God`s Grace.

                  This is the time Taminadu is suffering in Lacking of under ground water and we are in need of Increasing the underground water.   In the past the Rulers make ponds and lakes in between villages and Towns to increase the water resource.   But now we are in need of more land for housing and other buildings, so We have to change the lakes and ponds as housing Boards.  The result of which we suffer in lack of under Ground water.   Any way the motivation of us is to Increase the under ground water resource.

                 In my view to increase the under ground Water by drilling the ground to 40 to 50 feet at which to reach the sand level ends, where the water poured can be absorbed more and more.  In the rainy season, we can converge the rainwater inside the ground and we can make use of the water in summer seasons enormously.   If we continue inserting the rainwater continuously the Earth will give under ground water in summer sufficiently.   For safety measures, we can adopt metal jolly at a height of one or two feet to prevent dust and sand to go in.        If this process works good we can adopt 20-25 such drills at  every ward in towns.   Moreover if we can achieve success in adopting this process we can lead not only
India but also world wide to increase water resource.

                 As an example of testing the process, giving permission and arranging such one drill at my place in Front of my shop where the rainwater from three direction roads stores in rainy season.    I assure to take eager to maintain the drill with safety and worthful.

                       Thanking you,
                                                                                                          Yours Truly,


c.c. to The Collector, Madurai Collectors Office,

My website address:      


Pronunciation of Tamil words

Pronunciation of Tamil


When a Language is spoken, the every word is pronounced.  In the pronunciation the air comes out as word from the mouth in the sound form according to the tongue where it touches and controls the air.

In Tamil language the same alphabets like La and Ra are pronounced with different stress according to the words meaning and its worth.

Let us see how to pronounce the alphabet La

This La alphabet is pronounced in three different ways

1)  The word Palam (meaning the Power) is pronounced as below:
On pronouncing the Palam word the tip of the upper tongue touches inside the mouth where the Front upper teeth row and the upper roof of mouth joints.

2)  For Pronouncing the La alphabet in the word Pallam (meaning the depth) as below:
On pronouncing the Pallam word , nearly full upper surface of the tongue Touches the upper roof of the mouth stressingly.

3)  For Pronouncing the La alphabet in the word Pazham (meaning the fruit) as below:
On pronouncing the word Pazham the front bottom tip of the tongue by bending touches the upper roof of the mouth.  (This La (Zha) alphapet is a special one to Tamils not be used in any other languages worldwide)

Let us see how to pronounce the alphabet Ra

In the Ra there are two types of pronunciations
1).  The word Maram (meaning the Tree) is pronounced as below:
On pronouncing the Maram word the tip of the upper tongue touches inside the mouth where the Front upper teeth row and the upper roof of mouth joints.

2).  For Pronouncing the Ra alphabet in the word Aatral (meaning the ability) as below:
On pronouncing the Aatral word , nearly full upper surface of the tongue Touches the upper roof of the mouth stressingly.

Let us see how to pronounce the alphabet Na

In pronouncing the Na there are two types of Na.   These are double twisted and treble twisted Na
1).  The word Manam in double twisted Na (meaning the Mind) is pronounced as below:
On pronouncing the Manam word the tip of the upper tongue touches inside the mouth where the
Front upper teeth row and the upper roof of mouth joints.

2).  For Pronouncing the Na alphabet in the word Panam in treble twisted Na (meaning the Money) as below:
On pronouncing the Panam word , nearly full upper surface of the tongue
Touches the upper roof of the mouth stressingly.

Note:  In the rapid speaking the stressing of tongue can not be expected very much but it must be slightly.

This is my request to the anchors of Tamil TV Channels to talk using Tamil words only mostly.  

       Because you have the duty of to direct the Tamil people towards Tamil speaking, Tamil people are expecting from you such TV anchors very much.  

     How a one year Tamil child initiating to pronounce words is talked by its surrounding people in German or in any other language for one year, the child also without knowing about the language to write or to read, it can talk in that language. 

      In the same way the Anchors are talking by using English words is now and then being watched and the people also making use of these English words fluently in their talking.
     Every one has his duty to do in which section they involve.   A Police in approaching a case though in many obligations he has to incline on Truth,  a doctor, a lawyer like every one have the duty to do, so as not to spoil the society.  Likewise the anchors have the duty of to talk in Tamil only by developing the talents to talk eloquently and impressingly by introducing new available Tamil words also.

My website address:

My website

Sunday 25 June 2017


100 percent true India - My   2nd Letter

                                                                                                                     7th sep.2000

                                                 100% True INDIA`s

                                                         request to

                                  UNITED NATIONS ORGANISATIONS

               As for as India is concerned from the past History, here lived thousands of years before king Arichantra, whose character was to utter not even a single lie.   In the test ride of his oath, the great king became grave-digger and keep on his words to his last breath in such poverty also.

               In South India, the great king and warrior, Pandyan Nedunjelian, as soon as realising his careless injustice given to execute an innocent, died on the throne naturally at that time itself.

            In recent centuries Mahatma Gandhiji behaved 100% Truesome life in every attitude of his life in the inspiration of the history of king Arichandra.

South India just twenty five years back the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu K.KAMARAJ lived the 100% Truesome life for the welfare of the people.

             Lots of Indians sacrifice their life for the Peaceful world and for 100% True behaviours.  

                           Untruity is the origin of aggression and terrorism.

          If the great India is not regarded and respected in United Nations Organisations, the History of the world will take a record of, as one of the reasons for the continuous unbearable suffering that the sixth sense Human being to tear in sorrow and suffer.

                     About Me

Name               :    V.SELVAA
Age                   :   38
Education       :    Master of Arts
Sex                  :    Male
Profession      :    Business
Address           :   2,
                             MADURAI625 002,

c.c. to The President of
India, New Delhi.

My website