
Tuesday 31 October 2017 President of India 2004


                                                                                                             23rd Feb. 2004

2. Chinnakanmai Street,
Madurai-625 002,

The President of India,
New Delhi.

Respected Sir,

                I feel highly brimmed in ecstasy in seeing India is getting progressive  changes in making India a `Supremo’ of the world with worldwide peace-making attitude and worldwide people’s economic reforms. 

               The changes to make can be completed only when we get the efficient Ministers to work for as much as liked to achieve.  Let us elect the ‘Nominated Minister Candidates’ for each concern ministry, those who are selected from the highly doctorated genius society.  

                Moreover though the few leaders of us have real intention of to make changes in election  rules they are forced to rely on some obligations.   This is the time India is in need of changes in election rules so as not a single criminal and corruptive can enter into parliament.
                    In the highly populated India the people are in the expectation of changes to occur in their life and in corruptive behaviors of the elected members, people in frustration feel they are cheated every five years in the name of democratic election and most of them neglect voting.
                   Recently for few thousands, the corruptive hand stretched to give warrant to the President and the Supreme Court Chief Judge also.  If we expect the changes to be made at parliament, it may become inapplicable dream.
                  On behalf of  the 100 crore Indians, I request the constituency of Laws to make stern changes in election  rules before the election  to be conducted to upgrade India's Prestige and to save the people from painful living. 
                  The great change must occur without shedding a single drop of  blood in the freedom struggle from corruptives and Criminals to save the people from poverty and deceiving.  
            The Corruptives and criminals may be below 1% of the total 100cr. Indians.   For the sake of the 1% we should  not loss 100cr  Indians welfare.                                                                                                                                         
            In the poverty many have to sell their kidneys to manage their financial problems is unbearable painful.    Nearly 1% suicide every  year in unapproachable problems.   Nearly 2% be psychiatric in the frustration of  their living.
         If Criminals and Corruptives can get a single seat to enter in parliament or in State Legislative assembly the responsibility goes to the Supreme Court, The Election Commission and to the Leaders of the political  parties.     People should not be forced to elect the  ‘best amongst the worst’ but should be the ‘most best amongst the bests’.
       Moreover I am tried to be criminalized and because I am giving mails to Supreme Court to make changes in election rules,  Give safety to my life. 

                 Thanking you,
                                                                                                       Yours lovingly,
                                                                                                          V.SELVAA The Supreme Courts of India, New Delhi. The Election Commission of India, New Delhi. The United Nations Organizations, New York.

My website address:


Thursday 19 October 2017

Lr. to Supreme Court of India 2009

letter to Supreme Court by 09.

                                                                                                                          28th February 2009

Chinnakanmai Street,
              Madurai-625 002.

              The Supreme Court of
New Delhi.

Respected Sir, 

                          I am  Selvaa, as per register name V.Selvaraj.

           In the past ten years I have been writing many letters to UNO requesting to give a peaceful Earth and a lovely painless life to the People on the Earth.    I have sent letters to the Supreme Court of India to emphasize for the changes to be made in laws so as to restrict the Corruptives and  Criminals entering into parliament and in legislative assemblies.    Because I emphasize like this, I am suppressed in many ways.   In the family case,  I am threatened for the past five years with arrest warrant, such a situation has been created.   By arresting I can be given to the hands of those  who are not respecting the 100% Truth then how in
India the Sathyam can be kept alive.

India arising questions for truth is suppressed and restricted.   Do the Indians not have the rights of to question for Truth.  Still now I am in the situation of to be, in the need of safety to me not to be suppressed and forced.    Moreover I need safety to my life also.    My thoughts and opinions to be brought out with out force and fear.   Can it possible in India.

India though the needs are demanded, there is no change is brought or steps are taken to bring changes.   It is nothing but befooling the people of India and to bring shame to India.

India laws are misused, if an accident occur people have to be  inactive by controlling their humanity as spectators in the afraid of laws, if an inhumanity occur the police have to behave like spectator because of forces.  Indian humanity and culture are suppressed and destroyed in the name of laws.  If in India the laws cannot give the people of India a fruitful life and justice, throw away the laws into fire.   Though good opportunity comes to make changes in India, if it is not utilized, it is the foolishness and impotency of India.   In India, there is an afraid of explicating about the 100% Truth, it is the impotency of India.

India, the forthcoming election must not be conducted until a sincere conclusion of restricting the Criminals and Corruptives those can never get in parliament and in legislative assembly.   India is not an impotent country to conduct election without justice which is having the hereditary 100% True Judiciary, now that can not control the Criminals and Corruptives in this country.

           Don't you feel ashamed of allowing these criminals and corruptives can entered into parliament.

           This is my request, Supreme Court must do what is necessary to do to make the changes with sincere possible efforts.   In
India we are not demanding this just for obligation.  Be sincere in this matter .  Indian Judiciary is the Great power of India, people of India can expect only from the Judiciary of India for their Justice and Rights, not from the average human.

          The Genius of India are saying in
India changes can be made to bring India a Supremo,  but still no steps are being taken for.     The change can be made in the forth coming election itself forwhich we are to have intention to do by overtaking many dramas being created by the Corruptives and Criminals.   This can be done only by the Supreme Court,  the Judiciary of India and the Election Commission of India.

                 Thanking you,
                                                                                                                         Yours faithfully,
                                                                                                                              V.SELVAA The President of India,
New Delhi. The Election Commission  of
India, New Delhi The United Nations Organisations, Newyork.

My website address


 Lr. to P.M. 2010


             2,Chinnakanmai Street,


             Madurai-625 002,

          The Prime Minister of India,
          New Delhi. 


Respected Sir,

                                       I am Selvaa as per Register name V.Selvaraj

              In the Elections held world wide the educated countries realized the probability of misusing of Voting Machines and are unbelievable and these countries make use of  the Paper Ballot for their Elections. 

    But in India, though knowing very well about the misuse of Voting Machines, the Election Commission of India be stubborn in using the Voting Machines.  It is nothing but cheating the people of India.  The system of voting must be changed to the paper Ballots.

   Moreover in the Elections of Legislative assemblies and for the Parliamentary Elections,  it is a must to include a symbol for the people those who are not interested to vote for anyone,  for those to give their vote in elections.   This such process has been practiced in highly educated countries. Then only how much percentage of people are not interested in the Election systems of India and can be come to be known and the changes can be made.

                 In India, suggestions regarding the process change can be done from the Genius and those who be well wishers of India, not the opinions from the thieves of India, it is like demanding suggestion from thieves how to take action and prevent theft 

               Moreover India, this country is 100% True in its culture hereditarily in its History.   The people of India behaved True in their characters and lived their life with personal purity and with characters.   Worldwide, In India only, we can see Sri Ram like characters not only  in Epics but also in real life also.  

            But now in India the culture is being spoiled with alcohol shops and pubs.  The characters of the people of India is spoiled with undirected cultures and the uncivilized culture tried to be brought into India.  In India now a days enormous illegal pre marital abortions are being done in cities,  It means the culture of India is getting spoiled and have no good lead in the country, to instruct how to live, and what for the living is.

              It is true in India those who are responsible for keeping the culture of India are assisting the illicits and illegals.   What actions are going to be taken.

              The well talented female brokers brain washing the girls from good family background are spoiling the life of the girls, and are being threatened with evidences.  Earning money through the sex mongering strictly not be allowed and to be restricted, it is a cheap way of earning.   From India nearly 80 lakhs crores of India’s money have been robbed and put in the Swiss Bank uselessly for India, now the culture of India is tried to be sold by selling Indian girls to earn money cheaply through Internet.

                   Those who are behaving illicit in public places are to be strongly punished.

                The Character of India and the culture of India must be kept hold  alive, though can not be developed positively or atleast take sincere steps to keep hold the hereditarily existing culture of India.   Sincere action to be taken against the illicits in India not just for eye-washing  but for keeping the culture of India for  ever.

                   Thanking you,

                                                                                    Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                                                   V.SELVAA The President of India, New Delhi. The Supreme Court of India, New Delhi. The Election Commission of India, NewDelhi. The United Nations Organisations, Newyork.

 My website address: