
Monday 22 February 2016



Origin of Tamil people:

                           Tamils, now  these people living world wide,  knowing about these people, knowing about these people`s culture, their hereditary traditions, their characters,  we can see about them are more and more interesting.

                            To know about these people, if we go through the literatures of the past Records of these people and  from world wide records,  saying about these Tamils.     These Bunch of  People have lived in the origin of South most India,  called as  `Lemuria` it can be  come to known from the past Records, there was a land, it was engulfed in Tsunami by more than 2000 years before and the survived people now living in the Southern India. 
                      5000 years before itself  these Tamils had lived through out India.   The Kerala people talked the Tamil until by the year 1300 A.D. and Tamil become Malayalam language  thereafter only.   The same thing occurred in the languages of Telugu  and Kannada languages by about 800-1000 A.D.

                            We can come to know from the Indus Valley Excavations done near the Gujarat Borders of India and Pakistan,  Harappa and Mohenjadaro, reveals the proof of the very Civilized life of the Tamils there lived before 3000 B.C.    More to that the Sumerian Civilization and the Egyptian civilization also have resembles of the Indus Valley civilization itself.

                            2000 years before itself the Tamils had the commercial contacts  and relations with the Greek and Roman countries traveled through Arabic ocean.    More to that by the Father Of the world History “Hiratatus” in his words have told “the people from South most India migrated and settled at the place “Theeru” (can be seen in the Bible`s  maps) and have told of these people, did good performance in the Greek war.    These people have spread in the Paleo mediterranean countries also.  

                          The Tribes living now in the many Eastern Indian States and in Madhya Pradesh state and also in the Sindhu districts of Pakistan are all have their tribal languages  resembles with Tamil language.       We can see the Bihar state people resembles the Tamil people in looking.   

                        In India Tamil Kings made sangams to enhance Tamil language and was kept to grow in people,  because of it, though many old languages in the world get lost, the Tamil language only can survive still today 

Characters of Tamil people:

                      If we see the characters of these Tamil people from the past records,  like their literatures, inscriptions, monuments,  they have lived for Sathiyam (100% True) in their life.   
                         Though these people are black in colour, these people had lived a 100% True life,  in and out of their heart and in every Activities of their duties.    They be open hearted,  stubborn in keeping their words,  Hard working, Easily believe others without cunning, they are graceful on others, they never bend their heads to any one though they have to live in poverty.   If any damage to their belief and Truth they become vigorous and uncontrolled.      They have strong belief of God who take care and save them,  believe of the after-effects for their every activities.   These people be seperated without mingling with other Branch of people.    If they get love, they be prepared to sacrifice their life for the loved.  

                       Tamil Women totally sacrifice their life time for the welfare and taking care of their children neglecting their own aspirations.    Because of this character, in India, women is considered as Divine power.      Great respects are given as much as they sacrifice for.

                      In the past, the Leaders of the people, the Kings  Chera, Chola, Pandya  ruled the Tamil regions stubbornly with 100% Truth.   Among the many Kings, those who lived for Sathiyam(100% Truth)  were called as sathiriars, not all the kings they ruled here and there in India.   The Sathiria Kings  Arichandran,  King  Ashoka,  King Buddha,  King Mahavira,  King Vikramadityan, King Pandyan Nedunchelian, King Porkai Pandyan, King Manuneethi Cholan  were known,  lived for 100% Truth.   Many  thousands  of years Tamil people lived  for  Sathiyam and prevailed 100% Truth in their life  in their activities and in their speech. 

              The Tamil kings tried to make aware of the people so as  to understand and know  what is  genuinely the genuine truth of the world.

                  4000 years before the Aryans invaded into India.    By 2000 years before,  Chanakyan introduced the cunning way of achieving the goal.   He enthroned a king with little percent of cunning.     At that time itself God shows his contempt by severe famine within the rule of the king and the king renounced his kingdom and involved in Buddhism.    This little percent later grows more and more everywhere as cunning.   The Sathiyam speaking sathiriars cannot stand with those who were ready to adopt the cunning.     Because this cunning spread everywhere like in Bathing, Dining,  Sleeping & in Warring and  the Sathiriars begin to avoid the interest of to enthrone.     Once the Tamils, who speak sathiyam has now become masters and well versed in cunning.     But the Tamil people where ever they live they have to live in the stage of cooly and in poverty.  They struggle hard without knowing what is genuinely the genuine truth and what is going on world wide.

                 GOD do not like these such Cunning way of living in Mankind,  He wants the mankind to be 100% True and to be obedient to his Sathiyam.  

                 If a mother sees one of her child  is cheated by another beloved child of her, when giving a cake to share between them.   The mother, an average Human cannot digest the cheating of her one child by another child.      At the same time, positively and truly, if the child favour the other child, she will show her grace and fondle on him.      If the child negatively cheat the other child and pretend to her mother also, she will curse and the love on the child will decrease in her and she sees him as a cheap born of her.

                         The  God,  the Supreme natural Power of Galaxies  wants his all children to be treated equal and must be sophisticated with sufficient enough earning so as to face their needs of life without struggling hard and without pain.    For which the educated, the intellectuals those who are well known to the all about the world and the leaders of the country must be 100% True.    The leaders of the world and of the countries have to concentrate on the welfare of the people with Humanity and  100% True sincere efforts for the people.      But we can see millions of people begging on streets, crores of people starving with out sufficient enough earning.   The  money accumulates in few some of the world, by neglecting the average people from getting their earning sufficiently and were kept as servants and slaves.

Understanding God:

            Tamil literatures openly says God is the Supreme Natural power, all Powerful, totally Pure and True, No beginning no end to him, cannot be seen,  every where he exists, he is Omnipotent,  he is the Creator, Savior and Destroyer.    He is Gracious, 100% True,  showers his love on all.      Born man cannot be the Supreme power- the God, but the one can be the most blessed, beloved child, or the representative of God.

          In India, the Tamil kings and the Sathiria Kings behaved 100% True in saving and favouring the people by giving judgement and in their every activities of their life.     So the people consider not all the kings but the kings  those who prevail cordially, the Sathiyam in their life were called as their Gods.

           In later India, some Kings interested in cunning were also considered as Gods,  because Mankind need the cunning to be proved, as is no wrong.     People get confused what is God and how the God will be.   A wrong opinion formed if a man can become a king he can be the God of people.    The Papal Rule of Europe also  emphasize the same.   Seeing these some involved in Atheism also.    2000 years before,  in the rude rule of kings, the migrated Tamil, the Sathirian preached what is True, how the true to be to the people at Jerusalem.   In the Hibrew language, where originally the Bible was written, Jesus is shown as a warrior.      Though he was killed in abrupt cunningly, later, he is considered as God.       The Sathiria Kings Buddha and Mahavira involved in preaching the people to realize genuinely the genuine truth.

                    Beyond all tries taken to emphasize the people to know the genuinely the genuine truth by sacrificing their life, struggling hard for, but the cunning and cheating in Mankind grows.       No steps are taken world wide to emphasize about Truth.  If it continues, God, in abrupt may destroy the world.      In Human kind, on realizing we have changed many of the characters in us in the past centuries,  let us change our characters and be the beloved of God by obeying his Sathiyam.


Thursday 11 February 2016


Can  JESUS CHRIST  be told a Tamil

                  Jesus a born Human.   Before to analyse about He belong to,  We have to know about Tamils, Tamils are not cheap to astray for Ineligible credits, Tamils expect little more than 100% eligibility for their credits,   because of this character they have lost many of their Credits on The Earth.
                 We have clear evidences for the commercial transactions and contacts of Tamils with Roman and Greek countries before 2000 B.C.     More to that the father of The world History "Hiratatus" has told, 2000 years before in his writings that the people from the south most India migrated to the city ‘Theeru’ and settled there.   (Old Theeru can be seen in the Bible last page maps)       He told moreover these people did good performances in the Greek war.
                In the past, those who can be good in war can become the king of that country.   The same thing occurred in the Jesus family.      Celebrating the new born male child to a King by the whole country,  Is usual and practical.  If the born child can bring upto an age of 13, he will become dangerous to enemies.  So, to kill the born Jesus, the competitive king ordered to kill all the children in that city.    It is usual,  the child of a king is saved with believable persons assistance amongst dangers has also occurred in Jesus life.
              Though Jesus was brought up, He was not interested to form a kingdom.   It is told; within his age Jesus has visited once India.
        By around the centuries itself the kshatriya kings Buddha (He knew Tamil language well) and Mahavira renounced their kingdoms and involved in preaching the people to realize the truth, Because by these centuries only the cunning way of achieving was spread to the people.
               Though Jesus was not interested to enthrone, people gathered on His preach and of His character.      This frightened that competitive king and decided to kill cunningly.   In the last moment the king pressed the crown made of thorns on Jesus Head,   it is because of the vexation of  migrated people trying to become King.
               Jesus in his last moment prays for them to forgive, because they do not know the real motivation of Him.      Moreover the migrated people did not try to form any kingdom thereafter, though they can.    Some hundreds of years later it burns the Hearts and The Bible was written.
                 To prove the topic,  whether the topic can be or cannot be,  on further analyse about,  without trying to hide the Truth.