
Thursday 11 February 2016


Can  JESUS CHRIST  be told a Tamil

                  Jesus a born Human.   Before to analyse about He belong to,  We have to know about Tamils, Tamils are not cheap to astray for Ineligible credits, Tamils expect little more than 100% eligibility for their credits,   because of this character they have lost many of their Credits on The Earth.
                 We have clear evidences for the commercial transactions and contacts of Tamils with Roman and Greek countries before 2000 B.C.     More to that the father of The world History "Hiratatus" has told, 2000 years before in his writings that the people from the south most India migrated to the city ‘Theeru’ and settled there.   (Old Theeru can be seen in the Bible last page maps)       He told moreover these people did good performances in the Greek war.
                In the past, those who can be good in war can become the king of that country.   The same thing occurred in the Jesus family.      Celebrating the new born male child to a King by the whole country,  Is usual and practical.  If the born child can bring upto an age of 13, he will become dangerous to enemies.  So, to kill the born Jesus, the competitive king ordered to kill all the children in that city.    It is usual,  the child of a king is saved with believable persons assistance amongst dangers has also occurred in Jesus life.
              Though Jesus was brought up, He was not interested to form a kingdom.   It is told; within his age Jesus has visited once India.
        By around the centuries itself the kshatriya kings Buddha (He knew Tamil language well) and Mahavira renounced their kingdoms and involved in preaching the people to realize the truth, Because by these centuries only the cunning way of achieving was spread to the people.
               Though Jesus was not interested to enthrone, people gathered on His preach and of His character.      This frightened that competitive king and decided to kill cunningly.   In the last moment the king pressed the crown made of thorns on Jesus Head,   it is because of the vexation of  migrated people trying to become King.
               Jesus in his last moment prays for them to forgive, because they do not know the real motivation of Him.      Moreover the migrated people did not try to form any kingdom thereafter, though they can.    Some hundreds of years later it burns the Hearts and The Bible was written.
                 To prove the topic,  whether the topic can be or cannot be,  on further analyse about,  without trying to hide the Truth.


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