
Sunday 2 July 2017


letter to USA President-2001

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 7th July 2001
     MADURAI-625 002,


     The President,

Respected Sir,

                  As for my Bio-Data

Name                 : V.SELVAA
Age                    : 39
Sex                    : Male
Profession         : Business
Education          : Master of Arts
Address             : As above

                As USA being the supreme power of the world, on behalf of 100 crore Indians,congratulating you for being elected as The President of United States of America to enhance USA a more powerful and world leading country in every positive human welfare Attitudes and Peace making process all over the world.

               Now worldwide we are entering the third millenium after Christ with heavy population of 600 crore Human Hearts unlike ever before in any century.   In this time we are concentrating on the peaceful way of life.    The Human kind, not like animals, have the Sixth sense to analyse the right and wrong and to conclude the reason for the unbearable suffering that the Human being to tolerate in tears.

               As an Indian we know, how much the Human Heart palpitate fast and throb for safety when it tears in unbearable pain.    The true lover of peace, Great Indian Emperor Ashoka changed his mind in realizing the good and bad after-effects of war.      Now on the Earth the Supreme power USA have to lead all the nations in the world to the way that leads to the peaceful world by putting its first step in the way by putting down the  ANTI-BALLISTIC-MISSILES project totally and to abolish all kinds of war weapons step-by-step from the world.  All countries shall realize the true and will abolish all war weapons totally.

             World wide totally many lakh Crores are being spent yearly unnecessarily for the Defence purposes, where the one fourth of this expense is sufficient enough to feed all the Human being on the Earth throughout the year, three times a day.     We can hand over the war activities of suppressing the aggressing and untrue terrorist countries only by  UNITED NATIONS ORGANISATIONS that will decide after of its consequent talks with various levels.

             This is my request to drop down the ABM Project totally to give a glorious Earth covered with Love and Tender rays.    Every beat of my heart prays and petitions again and again you and your Every Senator to find the right solution of putting down the ABM Project totally and to lead the world.

                 Thanking you,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Yours Truly,

                                                                                                                V.SELVAA The United Nations Organisations, New york. The President of India, New Delhi.

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