
Saturday 5 August 2017

 Lr. to UNO BY 2010                                                                                           

                                                                                                                                   10th  May 2010
              2,Chinnakanmai Street,
              Madurai-625 002.

               The General Secretary,
               The United Nations Organisations,
   Respected Sir,

                                    I am  Selvaa, as per register name V.Selvaraj.

            In the past ten years I have been writing many letters to UNO requesting to give a peaceful Earth and a lovely painless life to the People on the Earth. 

                        Now a days we are in urgent need of the United Nations Organisations to be empowered.   By the end of the World war-I, seeing the disaster and loss to the Human kind  “League of Nations” (as same as the present UNO)         was initiated to end  such World Wars on the Earth.  But at that time by degrading the  “League of Nations”  we realized the after effect within the 25 years itself as the one more World War-II.  Thereafter again in the motivation of to end such World Wars occurring  on the Earth, “The United Nations Organizations” was brough into effort.      

                        Now also the United Nations Organisations is being degraded in its power in the Srilanka issue last year.  Last year in the Srilanka issue the UNO demand and international demands were kicked out and the Humanity was thrased by the barbarian animals.   Now we are in the immediate and stubborn need of empowering the United Nations Organisations. 

                        If any country, the country whichever it may be that can not give its support and decision for the 100% truth and for Humanity in UNO in the issue of decision making for the welfare of Human kind, must be eliminated from getting the permenant seat in United Nations Organisations.   If the countries that can not behave 100% True in giving their support and if behave with personal motivation against any country, this such attitude will destroy the Humanity and the welfare of Human kind and will degrade the power of UNO.

                        Moreover in the Srilanka mass killing against Tamils in the year 2009 in the name of subduing  LTTE, sincere and strong action must be taken on those who did and whichever country it may be who  behaved unhumanic and those supported and assisted for the mass killing in Srilanka.  Disobeying the UNO is strongly condemnable and those who disobey are to be strongly punished by claiming at International court.   In the Srilanka issue the barbaric Srilanka Government disobeyed the UNO demands and the international demands also. Such attitude must not be allowed it will to lead to international disaster and lead to the one more world war again on The Earth.

                        Empowering the United Nations Organisations only will save the people from the world war and from the dangerous and painful death of the people in tear and fear.    Every country must be brought into the control of UNO by scanning the activities and welfares by UNO’s separate teams for each and every country and the countries to be guided and directed by UNO.   Any war activity should not be allowed to take against any country with out the permission of UNO.   Step by step action to be taken to destroy the war materials like atomic weapons and highly destructive weapons from the Earth.    The war activity to subdue a barbaric unhumanic and disobeying country can only be taken by the UNO with its international military.

                        UNO can concentrate on the countries which are affected on famine and on natural disasters with its generous Humanity.

                        I request again and again, beg and pray you to empower the United Nations Organisation that will save the people of the Earth from one more World War.

                          Thanking you,

                                                                                                                 Yours lovingly,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       V.SELVAA The President of India, New Delhi.

My website address
My old website www.geocities .com is now being deleted  and changed


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