
Saturday 13 May 2017



                                                                                                17th June 2009



                                       YOU CAN KNOW ABOUT                                                     
             Welcome to the viewers of this website,  First of all  thanking You for giving your valuable time for giving a concentration on my website.

          I am    SELVAA, as per register name V.Selvaraj Born on 22nd March 1961.   I am Hindu, interested on Siva more and on Venkatachalapathy also.   I am from the caste Hindu,Backward class Kshatriya Nadar, the caste in which the India`s Bharath Ratna and the king maker Shri.K.Kamaraj & The HCL computer`s Shri.Shiv Nadar are born.

                        I passed the Master degree in History and I was Doing the business on two wheelers spares and now the STD Booth with computerized works also.

                      I know the languages to read, write and speak are Tamil and English, moreover the Hindi little, I have Passed the Rashtriya Basha in Hindi 25 years before more in detailed.

Regarding the website, I opened  with my friend`s assistance by July 1999 in Mailcity (now it is Lycos), but it deletes itself.   And by July 2000, I myself opened the website at Geocities of Yahoo.  By 2009 geocities is being closed I opened this website at by July 2009.  Since hpage was also terminated, now opened this website at

                      In the website we can see the letters that were Sent to United Nations Organizations  to express INDIA`S ATTITUDE ON PEACE-MAKING WORLDWIDE  in my words.

                   If  the every letter is glanced with special attention of how the world look into the matter, with the Consideration of the  period before and after of the letter.   Every letter Deals of to emphasis the peace to be made to exist on Earth for Ever.

                  It can be possible only when the 100% Truity is practiced between countries and people.   In this practice The leading nation on the Earth is my INDIA.

                         I like to live 100% True in speaking and behaving.

                 In the Photo of me, I get no change in my Structure for the passed 20 years, it may be because of Yoga.   I do Yoga and Thyanam daily for the past 20 years and more.

                Yoga keeps the inner organs of the body to function without failure and disease less.    Thyanam to keep the mind In Tensionless peace and to be tolerant.

                 In Thyanam, with Kundalini Yoga, the ancient Indians attained what they aimed to.  With Kundalini Yoga we can do marvels.  We can control not only the mind and body organs of ourselves but also to attain a stage of no more to born again is possible with Kundalini Yoga.   


                      I am with no aged diseases like Sugar problem, Blood Pressure.  I am blessed one of GOD to behave like ever sixteen.


                     I am living seperate for the past 18 years with no single illicit.


                     I am in love with Brahmin Mamy for the past 15 years.  I have given likes to Brahmin mamys in matrimonials.  Though many accepted and waited and get married on seeing me waiting for divorce.  I get the divorce by April 2016 after 18 years delayed.

                    If you watch Tamil films from the year 2002,  many films are about a Hero from Madurai and a Heroine as Brahmin Mamy and still now few films are about.


Below given words are about my now and then murmur on the suppression on me.

               In the past years the activities of writing to, are in the inducement of the External Force, the Thee.    Sometimes I feel unbelievable words that I have used.   All the credits goes to Him.

                  Though I do not like to act as, but it is induced to act like to write on some force.

              I can understand Thee trying to make use of me to do something,   though I do not know what for,   but I totally surrendered me to Thee,  whatever He wants to do with me, without any expectation from Him.   I can understand Thee be with me always to save me at any time.

            In India,  because I emphasize of 100% Truity,  and emphasize the Supreme Court to change laws so as to restrict  Corruptives and Criminals entering into Parliament and in legislative assembly of states.    Moreover I have demanded safety to my life at The Supreme Court of India.   I may be in the surveillance for my safety. 


               The problems are created to suppress me and  is set unsolved.    I am tried to be criminalized so as to suppress me.    My job opportunity and my every income is restricted.


                    I mostly avoid close friendship.  My friends are targeted.   If any one support me, they have to face pain.  So I avoid friends to be close to me.   My  mails, phone calls, letters are being watched.


                      By 2015 JAN 20th the death of my brother on accident hurt me much and renounce to write any letters and to give suggestions to any.

                 The nine years more Family problem is set unsolved to vex me.     A situation of to abscond or to suicide is created to vex me.   The problems are kept unsolved.  For the past 12 more years living separate with not a single illicit.    Why I renounce to abscond and marry is without divorce marrying is wrong and action can be taken against me.   So I have to live a hidden life or  I may be brought under the control of politicians and my efforts taken to write can have been restricted.

                    On 14th July 2017, I was given warrant at Madurai Family Court but the warrant was not sent to Police Station.  On 14th I gave a post about warrant at Twitter, Facebook & Google+.   I send a letter to Family Court Judge about my situation and ask to settle the case by compromised talks.  The warrant on pending.

                  To-day,  On 13th sep.2017 warrant recalled on the payment of 10 thousands.



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